Knee Surgery

Dear Mr Barlow, at 6 weeks right knee feeling good - rucksack and boots on full standby! Many thanks to you for a sterling service.

Andy H

Knee Surgery

The Dorset Knee Clinic offers a comprehensive service for the assessment, investigation and treatment of disorders of the knee.  

A subspecialist knee service is provided, including arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), ligament reconstruction, partial knee replacement, total joint replacement and revision knee replacement. 


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Contact Details

Dorset Knee Clinic

Winterbourne Hospital
Herringston Road

P.A Mrs Cathy Varley

T: 01258 821030
T: 01305 263252 (Appointments)

© 2020 Dorset Knee Clinic. Winterbourne Hospital, Herringston Road, Dorchester, DT1 2DR. Tel: 01305 263252.